How create first animation
Tutorial create a first gif animation in game
Last updated
Tutorial create a first gif animation in game
Last updated
First you need to have a gif downloaded from the internet you can download any one from this site
After you have downloaded it you have to place it inside the gifs folder, the folder is located in KatsuAnimation/gifs
Now let's use an in-game command, it is /kta create <gif-name> <skip-frames> <size> <height>
I have a gif with name test.gif so I will use that as an example, the complete command would be /kta create test.gif 0 30 0
if everything was correct it will give you a message that it was complete.
Texture pack is already created with the gif and will be available in the KatsuAnimation/resourcepack folder, and now to make it available for use the texturepack needs to be compiled in a .zip format and to compile it use the command /kta compile
, once you have done this it will leave the texture pack as a .zip file inside the plugin folder in the path KatsuAnimations/
Now if you want the texturepack to apply the changes you have made use the command /kta apply <player-name>
to reload the texturepack, it only works with selft hosting enabled.
For this it is necessary to use an external host I will leave you some that you could use:
Now in these hosts it is necessary to upload the texture pack that is in the KatsuAnimations/ folder, after you have done it you need to update the texture pack link that is in the config and that would be it.