Plugin config default file
# _ __ _ _ _ #
# | |/ / __ _ | |_ ___ _ _ / \ __ __ __ _ | |_ __ _ _ __ ___ #
# | ' / / _` | | __| / __| | | | | / _ \ \ \ / / / _` | | __| / _` | | '__| / __| #
# | . \ | (_| | | |_ \__ \ | |_| | / ___ \ \ V / | (_| | | |_ | (_| | | | \__ \ #
# |_|\_\ \__,_| \__| |___/ \__,_| /_/ \_\ \_/ \__,_| \__| \__,_| |_| |___/ #
# #
#- *\ Created by Katsutori Studio © /* -#
# Download the avatars of the players that if the player is not joined the server,
# the avatar will be downloaded and saved in the cache.
enable: false
# The players that will have their avatars downloaded
# This avatar can use it with the %katsu_player_NAME_SIZE% placeholder,
# If you want to add more players, add a new line with the player's name.
- Dream
- Sapnap
- TheWillyrex
# Use your own MySQL database, by activating the option below,
# the default database is SQLite.
enable: false
host: 'localhost'
port: 3306
database: 'minecraft'
username: 'username'
password: 'password'
# Will be displayed when the player is not found.
# you can use TEXT to display text or HEAD to display the player's head.
# - Example:
# display: "HEAD:STEVE, ALEX or other player's name.
# display: "TEXT:&cPlayer not found."
display: "HEAD:STEVE"
# The size of the player's head.
size: SMALL
# The texture pack that will be sent to the player when they join the server.
# The texture pack must be in a .zip format and uploaded to a file-hosting service.
enable: true
# The URL of the texture pack.
link: "URL"
prefix: " #db3c3c&l✔ &8| &f"
no-args: "&lUsage: &a/katsuavatar reload &fto reload the plugin."
reload: "&fThe plugin has been reloaded."
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
Last updated