General Config
These are the global config for the plugin
Enchanted Items
This option makes that when you recycle an item that is enchanted it will give you the book it was enchanted from.
Block an item for recycling
Add to the list the name of the material that you do not want to be recyclable, the material can be searched for on this page.
Sucess message when recycling
Sends a message to the player if recycling was successful.
Item Durability
When the item is spent it does not give you all the items it should give you when you recycle it, an example would be with a diamond sword if it is spent it would only give you a little of the ingredients depending on how much it is spent, if it is half it would only give you 1 diamond and a stick.
Open recycler permission
If the option is set to true when opening the recycler the player will need a permission to open it, the permission can be customized in the permission part.
Fail recycler
When you recycle an item it has the possibility to fail and you lose your item, in percentage goes the percentage that this can happen.
Crafting recipe recycler block
Create a recipe for the recycler block, in the permission part if it is activated the player will need the permission to be able to craft the block.
Pattern and recipe list
The pattern is like a crafting table is a 3x3 which is replaced by letters which represent materials the "E" represents the iron ingot material, the "A" the redstone, the "B" the oak log, "C" the cobblestone, the letters are just placeholders you can place as many as you want, if you want to use an empty slot just use the $ symbol. And it would look something like this on a crafting table.
Default crafting recipe:
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